Monday, July 8, 2013

The Alfred Hitchcock Primaries — We Want Your Vote

While researching the previous post, I came across several articles and blogs that rated the “top” five or ten movies directed by Alfred Hitchcock.  The legendary director created more than 50 films, and the various (and often very different) lists by more and less scholarly folks than I, generated a lot of heat.  I found myself talking to my computer screen: “How in the world could you even consider blankety blank in any top five?  Or why isn’t such and such on the list?

Ah hah!  In a shameless attempt to bump up my blog readership after a short, but unavoidable absence, I’m not only setting up a list, but also planning a poll.  I need your help. Because 50 films are too many for most interactive polls, the first step is a primary to determine a narrower list of deserving nominees.

What I’d like my film-lover friends and their friends to do is provide me with the names of the five best  (or favorite) Alfred Hitchcock films in no particular order, no repeats. Just five. No more. No less.  Early voting is encouraged.

The top ten nominees will appear in the poll. 

Send your list of five to  I promise not to use or sell your address to anyone. 

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